Revelation Chapter Thirteen Part Two


Portrait of the False Prophet

Revelation 13
11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
The first beast rose from the sea, the restless masses of humanity. He is a leader, a ruler, a political animal. This beast, the Antichrist, will rule over the nations on the governmental, political level. The second beast is from the ground, or earth. Not part of the masses; he has been here since the beginning of man’s dispensation. He is a representative of the spiritual portion of humanity, the spirit of religion. This shows the second is different from the first. Like oil and water, they cannot be mixed, but one can be used to enhance the other.
What is the one thing that cannot be said in a government school or institution today? The name of Jesus Christ.

This second beast will be a religious figure, the false prophet. His job will be to deceive the very elect, if possible, into worshiping the first beast. Matthew 24:24
According to Revelation 19:20 and 20:10, the dragon and the beast are both thrown alive into the lake of fire. From this context, the first and second beasts are individuals, rather than a group. Some teach the second beast, the false prophet, is a church, a new denomination of some sort, or the Roman Catholic Church. No scriptural evidence points to a specific church. More likely, the false prophet is a man possessed by a strong demonic spirit of religion, formed as a mirror image of the Church, the body of Christ. Since the beasts are thrown into the fire alive, this religious beast represents the head of a group, rather than the whole group.
The second beast comes disguised as a lamb with two horns. This is an obvious mirror image of the Messiah, the Lamb of God. The first beast is like a lion. The second is like a lamb.
This second beast spoke like a dragon. He will speak blasphemies. (Revelation 13:5) This beast’s power source (exousia) will be clear to all; he will be exercising the authority of the first beast. Verse twelve tells us, he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, but only in his presence. This shows he is nothing more than a puppet of the dragon and the first beast. The power and miracles he demonstrates are satanic.
The second beast will cause all the earth to worship the first beast, the Antichrist. Here is the return of emperor worship, as mankind is made to worship the beast. The word translated caused is the Greek poieō, meaning to make to do, to cause to commit. Not voluntary worship out of love. Rather, force them to do so by his power and authority (exousia).
This is why many believe the false prophet is the resurrection of the Roman Empire, because of Rome’s emperor cult. Many civilizations participated in emperor worship: Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon, the Incas and Aztecs of the new world, Oriental civilizations of China and Japan. Today, many peoples worship government, including some Americans. Emperor worship has existed as long as the spirit of Antichrist. Satan wants mankind to worship anything but God.
13 He (the false prophet) performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
The false prophet will do wondrous miracles. In Exodus 7:8-12, Pharaoh’s magicians tried to copy Aaron’s miraculous signs from God. Remember whose snake ate whose.
Satan is an expert at lying miracles and signs, but with no creative power other than guile and illusion. The Antichrist will lend his satanic power to the false prophet in the deception of mankind. The apostate church will be under control of the Antichrist’s government.
The false prophet will order mankind to build an image of the beast, and worship it. Refer to Daniel 3:1-7. What worldly images do people worship today? Popularity? Fast cars? Fancy houses large enough for three families? One thousand dollar shoes and sixty-thousand dollar handbags? A vacation condo in the Bahamas they never visit? “The thing which is first in your heart is what you worship.” Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34

16 He (the false prophet) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name.
None are left out, from the king on his throne to the servant who does the laundry. Butcher, baker, beggar, thief. Think it can’t happen? Everyone in America is assigned a Social Security number. Without a number you can’t work, and in some cases, can’t access a bank account to retrieve your money. Some homeless people refuse to use an SSAN. Without one, they cannot be hired.
Fear not, Christian. God supplies the needs of His children; those who come to Him in faith and wear His mark.

The Mark of the Beast

What is the mark? All mankind receives a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. The word translated on is the Greek epi, a relationship of distribution or position, location; not necessarily on, but at, on, in, by, before or after, depending on usage. Epi is the prefix used in our English word epidermis, the outer layer of skin on an animal. This does not mean the mark will be on the hand or forehead like a brand or tattoo.
Let’s apply our key and make a closer inspection of what John is saying.
The word receive is the Greek didōmi, which means to give, as in a gift, with the connotation of granting something: to give to one asking, to furnish, to gift. Didōmi is not like branding a cow with the owner’s brand. Rope her, throw her, burn her hide with a red-hot iron. Unlike the poor cow, people will want this mark. The false prophet will lie, coerce, deceive, and manipulate them into believing they want the mark. Of course, they will be following along lock-step with the beast, so why wouldn’t they go along?
Also, unlike the cow, this mark will be on the right hand or forehead.
The hand is symbolic for service and ministry.
The right hand represents blessings.
To be blessed by the beast’s government, you must take the mark and serve him.
The mark on the right hand is symbolic of being a servant to a master, and shows the wearer is in servitude by his own will, in hopes of being blessed in return by the master. A freed slave becomes a “love slave” to the master’s family by placing a ring in the right ear lobe.
Forehead is symbolic for the mind, reason, memory, thought life.
Right hand and forehead indicate servitude of the whole person, body, mind, and spirit.

But what exactly, is the mark? We are told to count or calculate his (the beast’s) number. The Greek and Hebrew languages contain no numbers, not the numeral six in either language. Several theories exist as to what this mark will be. One popular theory is, the mark will be either a numerical representation of his name, or a number found by manipulating the numerical values represented by the letters of his name. One of the problems with this theory is, several letter combinations can add up to the same numerical value. The longer God delays, the more names will fit this puzzle. John gives the number as 666.
Let’s use the key, and dig deeper.
Seven is the number of perfection and completeness.
Eight is one more than perfection. (One is the number of God)
Eight is the number of resurrection, beginnings, Godly perfection.
Three is the number of the Godhead, and of perfect witness.
Jesus’ number would be 888; His resurrection was the perfect witness of His Godly perfection.
Six is the number of man, one less than perfection, imperfection.
Again, three, the number of perfect witness.
666 represents the perfect witness of a man’s imperfection. Also, three sixes represent man’s imperfect and futile attempt to be god; this was Lucifer’s sin causing his fall from heaven. He wanted to be God.
Satan offered this deceptive promise to Eve; “you shall be as gods.” (Genesis 3:5) Adam gave up man’s dominion on the earth to be his own god.

Whether the number 666 represents a man’s name or a general humanistic thought process is not as important as where the mark is located. The right hand symbolizes servant-hood. The mark worn shows to which master you are a servant. The forehead represents thoughts, ambitions, and morality. Every thought is centered on the lord and master. With the mark of the Lamb on your forehead or right hand (Revelation 7:2), you are the Lamb’s servant. Every thought is centered on Him. Refer to Daniel 3.
Refer to Revelation 11:12. Who are the witnesses called to “come up here?” Chapter twelve through fourteen is a parenthesis plucked out of the sequence of events. At the end of chapter eleven, the Church is called home. Refer to Revelation 12:6. Following the panorama of the time line, the Saints of God are not here for the mark.
In Revelation 13:16, the second beast, the false prophet causes all men to receive the mark. The Greek word translated all is pas, meaning the whole, everything, all encompassing. For example, all (pas) humanity must breathe oxygen. If Christians remained, we would be part of all. No choice; all means all.

In Revelation 14:1 there are one hundred forty-four thousand with the mark of God the Father’s name on their foreheads, standing on Mount Zion with Jesus. One hundred forty-four thousand represents the total number of the Saints of God. Jesus does not return to earth until Revelation 19:1, after the bowls of judgement, the reaping of the earth. Revelation 14:15
Matthew 24:37 says: As in the days of Noah. . . . God lifted Noah up while He sent judgement on the earth. Some will be saved during this time of final judgement, but I wouldn’t wait. Take the mark or be martyred. You want to be on the first flight out. Revelation 14:12-13, Revelation 20:4

If you’re not sure whose mark you have, there’s no better time to find out. Offer yourself up to serve the Lamb, Jesus. Don’t wait– He’s coming quickly now, like a thief in the night. When the Church is lifted up, don’t be left behind. He’s waiting for you.

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